History of Yoga

In the Vedas, all the true disciplines are mentioned in the form of sutras.  The description of Yoga is also found in the original form in the four Vedas. All the scholars of the world agree with one opinion that - Vedas are the oldest texts in the library of the world.  According to Indian tradition, at the time of creation of the universe, the Supreme Lord had given the knowledge of Rigveda, Yajurveda, Saamaveda and Atharvaveda to four sages named Agni, Vayu, Aditya and Angiraa; for the welfare of mankind.  In this way, the tradition of yoga is also present since the creation of the universe.  According to Indian tradition, the creation of the universe was done 1,97,29,49,122 years ago.

युञ्जते मन उत युञ्जते धियो विप्रा विप्रस्य बृहतो विपश्चितः।

विहोत्रा दधे  वयुनाविदेक इन्मही देवस्य सवितुः परिष्टुतिः॥ (ऋग्वेद 5.81.1)

Yuñjate mana uta yuñjate dhiyo viprā viprasya brihato vipaścitaḥ,

Vihotr ā dadhe vayunāvideka inmahī devasya savituḥ pariṣṭutiḥ. (Rigveda- 5.81.1)

युञ्जानः प्रथमं मनस्तत्त्वाय सविता धियम्।

अग्नेर्ज्येतिर्निचाय्य पृथिव्या अध्याभरत्॥ (यजुर्वेद 11.1)

Yuñjānaḥ prathamaṁ manastattvāya savitā dhiyam,

Agner-jyotir-nicāyya pṛthivyā adhyā-bharat.(Yajurveda 11.1)

योगे योगे तवस्तरं वाजे वाजे हवामहे।

सखाय इन्द्रमूतये ॥(यजुर्वेद 11.14)

Yoge yoge tavastarṁ vāje vāje havāmahe,

sakhāya indramūtaye. (Yajurveda 11.14)

ओ३म् खं ब्रह्म ॥ (यजुर्वेद 40.17)

Aum khaṁ brahm. (Yajurveda 11.17)

अष्टचक्रा नव द्वारा देवानां पूरयोध्या ।

तस्यां हिरण्ययः कोशः स्वर्गो ज्योतिषावृतः।। (अथर्ववेद 10.2.31)

Aṣṭacakrā nava dvārā devānāṁ pūrayodhyā,

Tasyāṁ hiraṇyayḥ koṣaḥ svarga jyotiṣāvṛtaḥ. (Atharva-veda 10.2.31)

The principles of yoga have been described in detail in the Braahmanical literature, Aaranyaka literature, and Upanishad literature, the oldest explanatory texts of the Vedas.

यदा पञ्चावतिष्ठन्ते ज्ञानानि मनसा सह।

बुद्धिश्च न विचेष्टते तामाहुः परमां गतिम्॥

तां योगमिति मन्यन्ते स्थिरामिन्द्रिय-धारणाम्।

अप्रमत्तस्तदा भवति योगो हि प्रभवाप्ययौ॥ (कठोपनिषद् 2.3.10-11)

Yadā pañcāva-tiṣṭhante jñānāni manasā saha ,

Budhiśca na viceṣṭate tāmāhuḥ paramāṁ gatim.

Tāṁ yogamiti manyante sthirām-indriya-dhāraṇām,

Apramattas-tdā bhavti yogo hi prabhavāpyayau. (kaṭhopaniṣad 2.3.10-11)

A glimpse of the history of yoga is found in Shrimad-Bhagavad-Gita (4.1-3) Described in the Bhishma Parva of Mahaabhaarata, written five thousand years ago. Manu preached this yoga to his progeny Ikshvaaku. Thus the tradition of yoga continued progressively.  Maryaadaa Purushottam Shri Ram and Mahatma Buddha were born in the lineage of Maharaja Manu. Yogeshwar Shri Krishna had explained the principles of this yoga in detail to Arjuna on the battlefield.

इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् ।

विवस्वान् मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेSब्रवीत्॥

एवं परम्परा प्राप्तमिमं राजर्षयो विदुः।

स कालेनेह महता योगो नष्टः परन्तपः।।

स एवायं मया तेSद्य योगः प्रेक्तः पुरातनः। (श्रीमद् भगवद् गीता 4.1-3)

Imaṁ vivasvate yogaṁ proktavān-aham-avyayam,

Vivasvān manave pārh manur-ikṣvākave'bravīt.

Evaṁ paramparā pārptam-imaṁ rājarṣayo viduḥ,

Sa kāleneha mahatā yogo naṣṭaḥ parantapaḥ.

Sa evāyaṁ mayā te'dya yogaḥ proktaḥ purātanaḥ, (Śri Mad Bhagavad Gītā 4.1-3)

According to Indian tradition, Aadi Yogi (First Yogi) is considered to be Shiva. He had given the knowledge of yoga to the seven sages on the banks of a lake called "Kaanti" in the Himalayas, thousands of years ago.  These seven sages spread the knowledge of this yoga to the world including Asia, Middle-Eastern countries, North Africa and South America.  Shiva was the king of the Himalayan region. In whose kingdom Bhagiratha had taken out the Ganges, the figurative description of which is found in Indian literature.

 Evidence of YOGA- AASANAAS (Yoga Postures) and YOGIC- MUDRAAS etc., in the sculptures and seals found in the Indus Valley and Saraswati Valley of 2700 AD, are also clearly proving that the tradition of systematic yoga existed in India.

  Maharshi Patanjali has done the work of compiling the experiences of various sages and Maharshi Yogis in 195 sutras in the book “Yoga-darshanam”, long before Mahabharata.  The first explanation on these sutras was written by “Maharshi Vedavyaasa”, whose name is” Vyasa Bhaashyam.”

 In “Yogadarshanm”, eight parts of yoga have been discussed –
1- Yama,
2- Niyama,
3- Aasana,
4- Praanaayaama,
5- Pratyaahaara,
6- Dhaaranaa,
7- Dhyaana,
8- Samaadhi.

This is known as "Ashtanga-yoga". All other kinds of yoga come under Ashtaanga yoga, hence it is also called "Raj-yoga".